FB9 Series

Feature/ Functions

Self-powered by built-in power generator. (City power/Adaptor is not required)

High torque braking system at low rpm

Pancake design fits compact configuration.

Precise constant torque or constant power control

Performance specification:

Power output 12.7W/@ 400 brake rpm

Torque: > 77 kg-cm (398 watts) /@ 500 brake rpm

Gross weight: around 8.5 kgs.

273Ø flywheel to get Inertia Moment 0.08 kg-m²

Apply with lower board BLCB014 for proper application


RPM (brake) Torque (kg-cm) Power (Watts)
Max Min Max Min
500 77.5 8.9 398 46
600 88 9.9 542 61
700 95 11.2 683 81
800 102 11.9 838 98
RPM (brake) VI Curve of Generator
500 I (AMP) 0 0.27 0.49 0.7 0.88 1.16
V (Voltage) 76.2 53.7 39.8 28.1 17.5 0
600 I (AMP) 0 0.32 0.58 0.82 1.04 1.37
V (Voltage) 91 63.7 47.3 33.3 20.7 0
700 I (AMP) 0 0.37 0.67 0.94 1.18 1.5
V (Voltage) 106 73.7 54.2 38 23.4 0
800 I (AMP) 0 0.42 0.76 1.05 1.3 1.64
V (Voltage) 121 83.6 61.2 42.6 25.9 0